Track That Advisor - Prospect & Production tracking in Redtail

Of the 5 core functions of Redtail that we teach - Contacts, Tasks, Calendar, Pipeline, and Accounts... Pipeline is one that many firms simply don't use because the functionality of the Opportunities tracker is lacking - leaving prospect and production tracking ending up in spreadsheets, other CRMs, or not at all. We believe your Redtail CRM should be the hub of your practice, so this won't do!

Enter Track That Advisor - a company that helps advisors specifically with well... tracking prospects. But to a much higher level of detail where the data can be analyzed throughout the prospect journey to see where changes need to be made to marketing methods, booking methods, time between appointments, stick rates... And because they have all this data - benchmarks. Ask yourself: compared to 100 other similar firms, what is your success rate for completed 1ST appointments, 2ND appointments, etc.? Useful information for our sales pipelines right?

Over the past month, we've collaborated with Track That Advisor to build out a tracking method in Redtail that can be easily exported to their dashboards -- giving you deep insights into your prospect journey.

Download slides here

Here is the Webinar recording:

And here is the training to set up tracking in Redtail:

Click below to access the course mentioned in the video or join the community at




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